© FUJIFILM Corporation


Modality and Service
Denoising technique utilizing AI technology
We are developing the AI image reconstruction technology that removes noise components of image by preventing the structure and the contrast from degrading by a high speed or a high resolution MR scanning. As a result, the technology shortens the scan time with keeping the image quality, or improves the visibility of the image by improving the image quality.
Image EnhancementMRITRadiologyCardiologyGastroenterologyOrthopedics
Super resolution processing
This flitering technology with AI suppresses aliasing noises which occur in extended images.
Image EnhancementITRadiologyGastroenterology
Noise reduction technology with AI
This technology uses AI to distinguish between echo signals and noises, and extracts the signals necessary for diagnosis. This enables ultrasound systems to provide high-quality images even in difficult cases.
Image EnhancementUSRadiologyCardiologyGastroenterologyOrthopedics
Virtual thin slice generation technology
The technology virtually generates thin slices from thick slices. It can be applied to the whole body, useful for utilizing past data. It brings high visibility in the VR display and reconstructed sagittal/coronal images.
Image EnhancementCTITRadiologyCardiologyRespiratoryGastroenterologyOrthopedics
Pancreas analysis
Automatically extracts the pancreas, each surrounding organ area, and surrounding vessels from contrast-enhanced CT images and analyzes them in 3D.
The pancreatic duct diameter, residual pancreatic volume, measurement of the cross-sectional area, and resection simulation can be performed to support pancreatic surgery.
Anatomy SegmentationCTITRadiologyGastroenterology
Anatomic liver segments labelling
AI technology to automatically extract liver vessels and then labels liver according to the anatomic liver segments (Couinaud segments) based on the vessel running.
This can be used for Interventional Radiology planning for liver.
Anatomy SegmentationCTITRadiologyGastroenterology
Liver analysis
Technology that automatically extracts the liver parenchyma and surrounding vessels from CT images and analyzes them in 3D.
This technology can assist preoperative simulation by planning resection area based on the calculation of the dominant vessels.
Anatomy SegmentationCTITRadiologyGastroenterology
Detection assist technology for colonic polyps
This technology assists real time detection and characterization of colonic polyps from colonoscopy images with AI software.